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5 Micro SASS ReactJS Projects for Beginners in 2024 [Source Code Included]

If you want to build project in Reactjs as beginner, you need to focus on two skills, I will guide you about both skills in this article by giving you useful resources.

12 min read

React Password Generator [ReactJS Challenge #2]

In the React Password Challenge, you will write logic for a strong and random React password generator tool. We have already created the UI so you only focus on logic.

4 min read

React Memory Game [ReactJS Challenge #5]

Do you wonder how Memory Game logic works or want to write your own using ReactJS? This challenge is specially designed to test your JavaScript and React logics

4 min read

How to Do Conditional Rendering in React [3 Cases]?

With conditional rendering in React we can create dynamic and engaging user interfaces. In this comprehensive guide, I will explain three different ways to do conditional rendering in React, with examples and tips for using them effectively

7 min read

Barrel Pattern and Direct File Naming Approach: Two Popular React Folder Structures

We'll explore two popular React folder structures and naming patterns. Both have their pros and cons, which we will discuss one by one. We will also discuss and provide solutions to the drawbacks of these patterns

4 min read

Styled Components Media Queries - A Better Approach to Responsive Styling

Learn how to write media queries in styled components for a production application. Never hard-code media queries; create variables for them instead. Improve code readability and maintainability.

4 min read

Creating a Reusable Flex Component with Styled Components for Faster UI Development

Creating a new styled component every time for layout and positioning is time-consuming, and all I want is to create a reusable flex component for faster development that manages layout, positioning, and gap via props.

3 min read

Reusable Input Component in React Typescript [with useInput hook and error]

Today, we shall explore constructing a reusable input component in React using Typescript, we will also learn how to show errors and how to make it modular via useInput hook

7 min read

ReactJS Challenge #4: CRUD Typescript Tasklist App

This React Typescript Tasklist/Todo challenge will help you master CRUD operations, improve your React development skills, and get hired as an intern/junior React developer.

5 min read

ReactJS Challenges

Get a ReactJS UI and write business logic to enhance your frontend skills

React Password Generator [ReactJS Challenge #2]

In the React Password Challenge, you will write logic for a strong and random React password generator tool. We have already created the UI so you only focus on logic.

4 min read

React Memory Game [ReactJS Challenge #5]

Do you wonder how Memory Game logic works or want to write your own using ReactJS? This challenge is specially designed to test your JavaScript and React logics

4 min read

ReactJS Challenge #4: CRUD Typescript Tasklist App

This React Typescript Tasklist/Todo challenge will help you master CRUD operations, improve your React development skills, and get hired as an intern/junior React developer.

5 min read

ReactJS Challenge #3: Create a Motivating Quote Generator with React

Challenge yourself to build a random quote generator using ReactJS and showcase your front-end development skills. Flourish your creativity with this fun code challenge!

5 min read

ReactJS Challenge #1: Create a Text Analyzer Tool with ReactJS [word counter]

Text Analyzer tool is not some random online ReactJS coding challenge. It is a complete real-world tool that you can showcase on your portfolio or launch as a micro-SASS

6 min read

5 Free ReactJS Coding Challenges: Turn Responsive UIs into Functional Apps (2024)

In these free Reactjs Coding Challenges you are given a responsive UI built with Reactjs, and your job is to make them functional by writing business logic

5 min read