Learn How To Use TypeScript Enum in ReactJS With Example

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Abdul Basit OnLinkedIn

Typescript with react application makes it so much more robust.

In this article, we will explain how to use the Typescript enum in ReactJS application with an example component. We will also discuss best practices for enums when to use an enum, and its benefits in react application.

What is enum? as per typescript docs definition:

Enums allow a developer to define a set of named constants. Using enums can make it easier to document intent, or create a set of distinct cases.

How? You will see this in the example React Component.

When to use an enum in ReactJS

We can use an enum for choices for certain things, like yes or no, screen types, etc.

For example, we want to build a quiz application in ReactJS. As Quiz application screens or components are condition based, as soon the app loads, we show the loader first, then the home screen, then the quiz questions screen. When the user completes all questions, we show the result screen. The screen sequence of a quiz app is:

  1. Loading Screen
  2. Home screen
  3. Quiz Screen
  4. Result Screen

We need to define a state to track on which screen we are and show the data.

React Component without typescript

First, we will build a component in plain ReactJS without the Typescript enum, so we can see the difference between them.

import { useState } from 'react'
const App = () => {
const [currentScreen, setCurrentScreen] = useState('homeScreen')
return (
{currentScreen === 'appLoader' && <p>Loading...</p>}
{currentScreen === 'homeScreen' && <p>Please select the quiz type</p>}
{currentScreen === 'questionScreen' && <p>First question...</p>}
{currentScreen === 'resultScreen' && <p>You are passed</p>}
export default App

We will render JSX as per the current state. The first and foremost thing is all the screen names are hard-coded. We do not recommend and consider it as best practice. In the plain react component, we have to check the screen names while typing so we don’t make any spelling mistakes.

In short, we are not getting any intellisense. Typescript enum will solve this problem.

How to Create Enum in typescript

Enum is an special class and can be defined using enum keyword:

enum ScreenTypes {
AppLoader = 'appLoader',
HomeScreen = 'homeScreen',
QuestionScreen = 'questionScreen',
ResultScreen = 'resultScreen',

React Component with Enum

Now we have transformed the above react component from javascript to typescript file.

import { useState } from 'react'
export enum ScreenTypes {
AppLoader = 'appLoader',
HomeScreen = 'homeScreen',
QuestionScreen = 'questionScreen',
ResultScreen = 'resultScreen',
const App = () => {
const [currentScreen, setCurrentScreen] = useState(ScreenTypes.ResultScreen)
return (
{currentScreen === ScreenTypes.AppLoader && <p>Loading...</p>}
{currentScreen === ScreenTypes.HomeScreen && <p>Please select the quiz type</p>}
{currentScreen === ScreenTypes.QuestionScreen && <p>First question...</p>}
{currentScreen === ScreenTypes.ResultScreen && <p>You are passed</p>}
export default App
typescript enum intellisense

Benefits of using enum

  1. We don’t have to remember or look back to see available choices or options, we will get IntelliSense for that as you can see in above image.
  2. Since we are getting IntelliSense so there is very less chance of spelling mistakes or typos.

We are not yet done, it's better to change this component to switch statements, instead of multiple if conditions, it's the best practice to use the switch cases.

Convert if statement to a switch statement in React return

If we have 4 or above conditions it's better to change it into switch statements for better readability and it's a best practice. We are going to change above component from multiple if statements to switch cases.

import { useState } from 'react'
export enum ScreenTypes {
AppLoader = 'appLoader',
HomeScreen = 'homeScreen',
QuestionScreen = 'questionScreen',
ResultScreen = 'resultScreen',
const App = () => {
const [currentScreen, setCurrentScreen] = useState(ScreenTypes.HomeScreen)
switch (currentScreen) {
case ScreenTypes.AppLoader:
return <p>Loading...</p>
case ScreenTypes.HomeScreen:
return <p>Please select the quiz type</p>
case ScreenTypes.QuestionScreen:
return <p>First question...</p>
case ScreenTypes.ResultScreen:
return <p>You are passed</p>
return <p>Loading</p>
export default App

How to create enum in Javascript

It's good to know that we can also mimic enum in javascript using Object.freeze() method.

Object.freeze() means object is frozen, we can’t change any of object properties by any mistake.

const screens = Object.freeze({
AppLoader: 'appLoader',
HomeScreen: 'homeScreen',
QuestionScreen: 'questionScreen',
ResultScreen: 'resultScreen',

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We are done with enum in ReactJS component. I hope you learned something new from this article. Don’t forget to share it with fellow developers.